
Running Through Parted Waves

  Today, during alter call they were singing a song by Chairty Gayle, called " I Believe". I am a huge fan of her music, but for some reason, I didn't hear this song until we learned it in choir practice.  There was a very deep sweet presence of the Lord today and we lingered for a long time praying in His presence. I had my eyes closed and as they sang this song, I could see the words alive in my mind. These in particular stood out to me.  I believe You are who You say You are.  You do what You say You'll do (You'll come through)  You'll come through, You are always able.  I believe (yes) You've already made a way (so I'm running)  (Yeah) so I'm running through parted waves (straight to You). Straight to You, You are always faithful. He is and has always been faithful. My whole life, He has been faithful. It was the running through parted waves that struck a chord in me. I have grown up around the ocean and have been near an ocean my entire life.


Home-we often hear is where the heart is. I have talked about this in the past. My home is in places, people and yes even food. Yesterday was my 48th birthday. It was probably one of the best I have had in a long time. Even though learning new things at my new job is a challenge for me and I struggle with not wanting to make mistakes, I truly do like where I am at. I was pleasantly surprised when they brought me flowers.  I normally am not a flower girl because I hate to see flowers die, but I was genuinely touched, and they were very beautiful. The entire day yesterday was just a good day. Today, I would say mid-day, I just became so homesick. Homesick for my family in CA and in other places. Homesick for people in NY that I treasure a great deal.  Just a hug or to hear their voice would go a long way. Home. I miss home. It's going to take me time to adjust here. It's a good place and I know I need to give myself and RJ grace as we adjust to a different way of life. I think ev

Rivers In A Dry Land

 I happen to really love reading the Bible in The Passion Translation. It brings it to life in a whole new way for me.  Isaiah 43:19 "For I am about to do something new. See, I have already begun! Do you not see it? I will make a pathway through the wilderness. I will create rivers in the dry wasteland".  This scripture came to me tonight as we were having all church prayer. He brought back to my remembrance a promise He made me almost two years ago. I was standing in the desert, and a river flowed through it. He promised me that if I would just hold on to Him, he would make rivers flow in my life. Tonight, as I was thanking the Lord for an amazing first day of work, I realized that is exactly what has begun. I spent the day learning a lot of new things. I really enjoy the people I get to work with. I left feeling light inside.  I am thankful for the grace given to me as I learn a completely new trade. It's like learning a new language. I'm thankful for the church RJ

A Plan And A Future

  I have had several people ask me when I was going to start blogging again. I wasn't sure if I should or not. I am going to try to start this up again simply for the few who do read it. Church life in NC is very different. It's a good different, not that church life in NY was bad. I loved Bethel and the NY churches.  The church we attend has two services on a Sunday, RJ and I like to help and try our best to be at both services. Every other Sunday, we help out at a Home Missions church. There is so much more that I am not going to list, but serving the church for me, is the breath that I breath. If that was all I did, I would be the happiest. Of course that is not an option, the bills need to be paid. I am now a little over 2 months into being totally and officially single. I am happy and content. There are days when it's hard. There are days when I want someone to grow old with. There are days when I am so thankful that I am single. I think this is normal.  Overall, I am

One Month

 RJ and I have officially lived in NC for one month. The people here are very kind and nice. Southern food is absolutely delicious. I can easily find a good place to buy a delicious taco. Coffee places are aplenty. It’s been wonderful to reconnect with old friends and even more wonderful to make new friends. Soon, I will start teaching and RJ will enter into 12th grade. We are currently looking at colleges. I can’t believe we have come to this stage in life. We miss our friends and family in NY. We especially miss Bethel. Our new church home is a gift. I am so thankful for them. Slowly NC is starting to feel like home.  God is good. 

Time For New Beginnings

 It’s been a while since I have blogged. I’ve been going through a very long divorce. It has come to an end and now  time for the next step. RJ and I will be moving in June to North Carolina. I might start blogging more, I have not decided yet if I will or not.  I have about 20 people who faithfully read it. It used to be read all over the world. So for those who are not on my social media, this blog is for you. To let you know that every ending does eventually have a new beginning. God is good. 

He’s Been Faithful

 It’s the time where we sit back, reflect and think over the past year. There is one word that resonates within me. Faithful. God has been faithful. This past year I have watched God move on and in RJ’s life. Some wonderful things have opened up to him. He’s connected with his family, friends and involved in the church. He is excelling in his academics.  RJ has consistently put God first in his day and because of it- God has been faithful to him.  This has been a time of healing, growth and new beginnings for both of us. My job is a daily gift. I love my church and leadership. I have so much to be thankful for. God truly has been faithful. I don’t know what the new year will bring. I do know that as long as I keep putting Jesus first, He will continue to guide, lead and direct my life. I believe now more than ever before that God has a plan, a hope and a future for both RJ and I. His ways are perfect and He is faithful. God is good.