Both Sides Fall Down One Gets Up

 Take a walk with me down the church aisle of Bethel United Pentecostal Church. Find a seat on a socially distanced pew and join with me to hear the word of the Lord preached. This Sunday's sermon was preached by Bro. Jonathan Walker.  I have a few favorite preachers. Two of them happen to be from Bethel, my Pastor Davis and our youth pastor Bro. Jonathan Walker.  The sermon today was preached by Bro. Walker. In times past when I shared a sermon it would be in great detail. I took copious notes, but in the process was not able to worship as freely during the sermon as I wanted. Thus, with this new blog I am giving you the meaty parts of the sermon and then posting the link at the end where you can listen/view the entire sermon on your own. I might have missed a few things, but I felt it was time to get back to sharing the Sunday Sermons. Today's sermon was given the title of " Both Sides Fall Down, One Gets Up". The first text that was read was from Psalm 68:1 and for the most part he preached verse by verse from Psalm 20.  Before he preached he talked about pouring ourselves out so God fill you back up. God is not just our defender, but He is our rescuer. He will take you out and hide you in His pavilion. He will hide you, not just leave you in a safe place.  Then He will set you up in a safe place upon a rock. In this particular chapter we read that He is the God of Jacob. Jacob a man who fell, but got back up. We all fall. We all make mistakes, but God will help us to get back up again. He is the God of (say your name). He is the God of Julia. He cares for me.  He cares for you. He is the God of the comeback. He will send you help from the sanctuary. This is why it's so important to attend a church. There is just something about being around the family of God and in His presence that gives you strength and pulls you back up again. You need to realize that when Jesus was buried in the tomb for three days, His body was buried, but His spirit went to hell. He was fighting for you, not lying dead in a tomb. Realize that you can not go by what you see. Even if everything is going wrong. If it seems that all is lost. If you have been having some really bad times. Even if you don't feel like it, rejoice! Rejoice for even if you can't see it, God is at work. Rejoice and believe for it even when you can't see it. You ca't solve it, but Jesus can. He hears you, He sees you and He cares.  Be assured that there are some things that only come by prayer and fasting. You must realize that you have more power in you then you think you do. God is a comeback God. Fight back. Get on your knees in prayer and fight. Where do you put your trust? Put your trust in God. If you fall down, get back up again, don't stay down. The choice is yours. You can stay down and stay defeated or you can allow God to pull your right back up again. Stand on your feet and walk forward into the will that God has for your life. Rejoice not against me oh my enemy. When I fall I shall arise, when I sit in darkness, the Lord shall be a light unto  me. Take a walk with me to the an alter in your own home and pour yourself out and allow God to fill you back again. 

You can view the s May 30th 2021 sermon here.


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