Contagious Joy
Take a walk with me. I’ve have been filled to overflowing with the joy of the Lord is my strength. This gift of peace from above causes me to smile from deep within. RJ looked at me this morning and he mentioned that I’m glowing. I explained to him that is what happens when you place your full trust in God even when you don’t know what tomorrow will bring. Please keep him in your prayers. RJ is doing phenomenal academically and his walk with God is growing deeper. He told me he wants that deep joy that only comes from the Lord. Once RJ was in school, I decided to enjoy the beautiful weather and take a walk along the water at one of my favorite places on Long Island. Due to being outside and able to follow distance protocols, I didn’t need to wear my mask. I did the non-NY thing and made eye contact with anyone I passed by and smiled. This joy is bubbling up inside of me and I wanted to share it. People smiled back and you could see a little pep added to their step. I am happy. I am at peace. I have unspeakable joy. Jesus walks with me. I am praying for RJ to have that same peace and joy. Smile, tap into the goodness of God and share it with others around you. Take a walk with me
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