In honor of Ariel Santos

 Take a walk with me down the streets of Bronx, NY where the life of a talented and much loved man was suddenly taken. Ariel Santos was putting in action John 15:13 and Mark 12:31. His death has sent shock waves all over the world and especially here in the NY Metro Apostolic/Pentecostal churches. I did not know him on a personal level. Over the past 14 years while living in NY, I would see him playing his bass guitar for the many church functions.  What I can say is that when the church body hurts, we all hurt together. People I know, care about and attend church with did know him very well, their hearts are broken. Someone so full of life, talent and joy gone just like that.  It's hard to process. The nature of his death causes one to easily want to go down the road of anger, rage and frustration. I can't imagine what his family is feeling right now. I can't imagine what his church family is feeling right now. I can't imagine what his closest friends are feeling right now. I can feel their pain, because we are all a part of the body of Christ. Philippians 1:21 tells us that "To live is Christ, to die is gain".  He walks with his Heavenly Father now. His death is hard for those who remain to wrap their hearts and minds around. In reality you can't. This is when the peace that passes all understanding surrounds and carries the hurting and broken hearted. I ask that you say a prayer for the many loved ones of Ariel Santos. His joy, laughter, friendship and music will no longer fill the room. Hug your loved ones a bit tighter tonight. We are not promised tomorrow. Love like today is your last day. A Go Fund me account has been started- please feel free to help here.


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