Saved By Hope
Take a walk with me into the sanctuary. It's the best day of the week, Sunday. I love going to the House of the Lord and I absolutely love it that it's at Bethel. When the first song began to play a tear ran down my cheek. Bethel was starting it off by singing, "I'm Here To Worship", written by Anthony Trimble. His death has caused our hearts to break. It was appropriate that we started the service off with this song. He loved to worship and I am confident he is doing just that in the throne room of heaven. As Pastor and Sis Vicky came into the sanctuary, the church was singing this song. Anthony was like a son to the Davis' and their heartbreak was evident when they heard what was being sung. Then I watched my two heroes, lift their hands and worship. The tears still there, but with hands raised to worship the one who gives peace in times that we do not understand. I thank God for the Davis Family. Today Pastor Davis preached. We are blessed to have such great leadership at Bethel and Pastor is another of my favorite preachers. I took some notes and will do my best to share it with you. You can also watch/view it here. He preached a dynamic sermon entitled "Saved By Hope". The main text was taken from Romans 8:22-25. If you see something you don't have to hope for it because it's there. Pastor shared a story about a time when a submarine had an underground accident. As they were looking for survivors, one of the divers heard a tapping of Morse code coming from inside the submarine, they were asking if there was any hope. The world today is asking that same question, is there hope? Prisoners' of War who survive will all have a common denominator, they held out for hope. Those who gave up hope, literally laid down and just died. Without hope you fall apart mentally, physically, emotionally and spiritually. Hope is the single most important element. It's a deep rooted belief that the situation will eventually turn out for the good. Hope believes that somehow, someway everything will turn out all right. Hope is so important and essential to mankind. The question in is there hope is an age old dilemma We can look to the Bible to those who struggled, Job, David and Elijah. Nothing ages us faster than hopelessness. You are as young as your faith and as old as your doubt. Hope can save you, there is power in hope. What your place your hope in is vital. Money is a false hope. Pleasure is a false hope. Relationships can become a false hope. Education is a false hope. All of these are good, but they can disappear over night. They can not be your only source of hope, for if they are and you lose them, then you can lose your hope. The Word of God is filled with hope. Psalm 20:7. Hope begins at the cross, Jesus is our hope. Where God is there is Hope. On Christ the solid rock I stand. No matter what comes your way, keep dancing, don't lose your hope. You can trust in God. For humans, hope is a strong desire and wish. When it comes to the Bible it's a complete assurance with absolute expectation that what God says will come to pass. Even when everything is going wrong and your prayer is not answered. The situation goes the opposite way from what you wanted. This one thing I can believe is that God does not make mistakes. He says He's got it all under control and everything is going to be ok. The secret of coping is to hope in the Lord. There are four reasons to have hope today. 1). God's always with you. He will never leave you or forsake you. He is as close as the mention of His name. All you need to do is whisper it. 2). God is in control of all things. 3). He will use all things for your good. Even the painful things that happen, He is there for you to turn to. 4). There is a special place for you in eternity. There is joy in knowing you have hope in Christ Jesus. God is good.
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