An Eternal Ethos

 Take a walk with me to Bethel this beautiful Sunday morning.  I am thankful for my church family. One of my favorite singers sang today, Shalah Smith. If you knew her healing testimony you would understand why it meant so much to hear her sing, Anthony Brown's "Worth".  I love her dearly and it moved me to tears when she sang today. Pastor Davis was there with Sis Vicki Davis.  She sits in the back corner in her wheel chair with her one arm in the cast, still worshiping the best she can. Please continue to pray for this precious family. I have to say I always enjoy when Bro. Jonathan Walker preaches. Today's sermon, was one  I think everyone should watch/listen to it. You can do so here. Truly, when you do, have an open heart. I took notes and to be totally honest with you, there is no way I can do it justice. I will do my best to give you an overview. The sermon title was, "An Eternal Ethos", the  main text from Collisions 3:1-4. It resonated with what I have been feeling for some time. It was in direct connection with multiple sermons that have been preached back to back from various preachers, starting with our pastor Davis when he preached, "Saved By Hope", Bro. Robert Linder's "Now Is The Acceptable Time", Bro. Tom Trimble's " God is For Me", Bro Jonathan Walker's " It's All In Him", Bro. Tim Green's "New Normal" and finally Bro Mark Harris' " But We See Jesus".  Pastor Davis likes to say often that "The best is yet to come". Our goal really is heaven.  As we go about our day and life it's so easy to get caught up in things that really are temporal. What should matter are things that are eternal. He referred to a sermon that Bro. Anthony Mangun preached for our New York Metro District Church Conference a few years back.  For his sermon, Bro. Walker used the pictures that had been referenced to in Bro. Mangun's sermon. The first being of  a house. It's truly temporal, you can't take it with you. It can take up a lot of your time as you work on fixing things or doing home improvements. There is clearly nothing wrong with this, but it's still something that is temporary. The second was on a car. It's easy in life to become so wrapped up in what kind of car you drive.  The moment you drive it off the lot, it's already started to depreciate. This hit home for me. I have driven a BMW for over five years. It was not the car of my choice, I'm a simple girl, but we will just leave it at that. The car was very expensive to fix. Thousands of dollars went into this car. It's just a car with a fancy name, at least that's how it always seemed to me. This car no longer works and it's now worthless. It truly is a temporal part of life. The third picture was of a Coach purse. Everyone busted out laughing. I have to admit, in my opinion a Coach purse is the best quality purse you can buy. In this instance you get what you pay for. However it's still temporal. I can also testify to this. I was given a lovely coach purse for my 40th birthday. It recently took a tear and I ended up having to dispose of it. Once again, it was temporal. The fourth picture was of sports. Everyone started laughing again. Bro. Walker admitted that sports could easily become a big distraction for him. Please keep in mind for every situation, he pointed out that there is nothing wrong with these things. It's just important that you don't make them your life focus or goal to obtain in life. A child's ballgame is not more important than attending a church service.  Use balance in life. The fifth picture was of money. Jesus talked a lot about money. The love of money can destroy you. Nothing wrong with having it. You don't need to live your life as a pauper to live as a Christian, just don't make money all you focus on.  All of these things are temporal. None of them are bad, you just need a healthy balance of them in your life. Ethos is what one values.  Is your Ethos temporary or eternal?  Where your treasure is, there will your heart be also.  Bro. Walker then read from 2 Corinthians chapter 4 and Psalm 39:4.  It's time we start looking up and not around. God does care and He does have a purpose for your life. Love Him with all your heart, soul and mind.  It's better to be uncomfortable in the church with a bunch of imperfect people then to be comfortable in sin outside the church.  Eternity is all that matters. God is good.


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