Beyond Rhetorical Faith

 Take a walk with me into a Bethel Sunday.  We had a guest Evangelist Bro. Hagan. He and his family are super nice and it was great that they were here with us. He preached such an amazing sermon. It goes hand in hand with what has been preached Sunday after Sunday.  Once again, RJ kept throwing side glances at me. He preached from Jeremiah 32:26-27 with the title of "Beyond Rhetorical Faith". You can watch/listen to here.  It was a direct link to what we preached on having hope last Sunday.  You don't have to have a great deal of faith in your life, you just need faith. God is not looking for great faith, He is looking for mustard seed faith. If you can believe you can receive.  Is there anything too hard for God? No. There is nothing too hard for God. We need to go beyond rhetorical faith. Go beyond just what you know or think to be, but dig down deep and trust that God can do it.  Don't go by what you are seeing. Go by what God's word says. Step back and get out of the way and allow God to do what He has for your life. Trust Him. Faith allows God to do only what God can do.  If Jesus is asleep on the boat and a storm is raging, take your eyes off the storm and rest with Jesus. He has it all in control.  Stand still and let your faith rise. God is good.


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