In The Midst of Lamentations

 Take a walk with me into a Bethel Sunday. The worship was amazing. Then came time for the preaching. I have never heard Bro. Robert Martin preach before. I think it was the first time I have ever heard anyone preach from Lamentations. Bro. Martin preached from the third chapter of Lamentations. When I heard his title, I just shook my head and glanced over at RJ. He preached on "In The Midst Of Lamentations". This morning RJ made a comment about his middle name being Jeremiah and feeling like this time of our life was a time of Lamentations. So when I heard his title and text I glanced at RJ and we both just smiled. I knew at that moment, God had a special word for our direct situation. I am truly at a loss for words for the deep and powerful impact this sermon had on both of us. You can watch- view it here.  We both walked out of the service filled with an abundance of hope for new beginnings in our hearts. Bro. Martin made a comment that if God has promised it, He will fulfill it. We know that Lamentations was written by Jeremiah, who is known as the weeping prophet. Chapters 1 and 2 are filled with lament and woe. He sighs many times. He is overwhelmed. There is the great lament because what is going on is not how it was supposed to be. This was not how things have should turned out. In the middle of this lament, we are given chapter three. Something begins to spring up within Jeremiah. He begins to remember what God has done for him. He repents and then begins to praise. This praise turns into hope. It does not matter what you are walking through, in the midst of your personal heartbreak there is a hope that rises up. God is right there with you. He gives you strength. You are not alone. If you can find praise in the middle of your lament you will find a hope that rises up from within you. During this time you will get a glimpse of who Jesus really is in your life. You will see that He is with you. Bro. Martin  said something interesting. He said that God sighs with you. He hurts with you. If I could tell you how things have been for us, especially RJ over the past few weeks, you would understand how needed this word was for him. It was asked that if anyone was going through lamentations in their life to come forward. We both went forward. The alter was full of people who have just been going through it. Handkerchiefs with "In the midst of lamentations there is hope" inscribed on it. Bro. Martin asked us to just wave it in the air and worship God. He said God already knows your lament, He wants you to praise Him in the middle of it all. We did just that. Please understand this was not meant to make light of serious situations. The pain many are going through is very real. No one is in denial of it. What we were given was hope. Hope that God is with us. Hope that eventually what we are going through will have an end and as we go through it, Jesus is with us. There is no way I did this sermon justice. Please, watch/listen to it. God is good.


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