A Chosen Generation
Take a walk with me into Bethel on a Sunday and go down memory lane. Today was extra special for me. We had guest missionaries to Greece. The Reeves Family. I always love missionaries. However, Sis Carrie Reeves is a very near and dear friend of mine. It's been about 22 years since we have seen each other. We both were Associates in Missions to Taiwan. She is a treasure to me and being able to see her again after all this time, was so special. It was wonderful to introduce her to R.J. and to meet her children and husband. Last night we had pizza and nai cha while we looked through my old photo albums filled with Taiwan memories. It felt good to bring up some very happy times and memories. Today, she and her daughter sang a song that is very special to us. We used to sing it in Chinese and English when we are in Taiwan. Thus, when I heard the music begin to play and her daughter sing this song in Spanish, then Greek followed by them together in English, the tears were just streaming down my face. My heart is full to overflowing to see where she is in her life right now. To see her beautiful family and to know they are missionaries to Greece, it's just beautiful. Today was my first time hearing her husband preach. His sermon was excellent and I suggest you watch/listen to it here. He preached on " A Chosen Generation" and his main text was taken from Exodus 1:8 and I Peter 2:9. Bro. Reeves talked about how when a generation is being chosen for a event there is a time of transition that takes place. I will share with you some of what I took notes on. However, I strongly suggest you listen to this sermon on your own as well. When a transition is taking place there are events that seem to not be so great. This is never an accident. In every generation this are some fundamental foundations that need to stay strong and true. These things we need to carry from generation to generation. At the same time we can not be afraid of change. We can not be afraid of transition that flows with the current time. This generation is a strong generation. They are questioning everything, this is good. When they ask, welcome these questions and give them a clear answer based on truth. When you are in a time of transition in your life, trust God during this time. Mary was willing to be labeled as something she was not because she knew what was really going on. She was willing to take the cost for the Messiah to be born. To get to your destination during your transition there will be times that are uncomfortable. Don't give up, trust God because if you do you will find yourself in the very life God has created you for. Sometimes we struggle to understand what is going on, but if you just keep walking by faith and trust God during the transition, you will walk into what God has chosen for you. God is good.
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