The Lord Of Host Is With Us

 Take a walk with me into a Bethel Sunday. The Praise and Worship team were completely tapped in and the songs went hand in hand with what Bro. Jonathan Walker preached today. The title of his sermon was "The Lord of Host is With Us". His main text was taken from Psalms 19:7-11 and Psalm 46. I suggest you watch/listen to the sermon here.  It was an encouraging sermon. I took a lot of notes, but I feel to give you a brief summary, because I really think you should watch it for yourself and truly take in all that is being said. God might not change your circumstances but He will change you if you will let him as you go through the situation. He is your peace. When you have Jesus you have everything. Jesus helps in the middle of your brokenness. God is your refuge and your strength. He is this for you Right Now!  The Lord of Host is with you. He is in you. He is your strength and peace. No matter what is going on, after you have done all you know to do, Be still and know that He is God. He is for you. He is with you. God is good.

I want to ask that you continue to pray for the Davis Family. Sis. Vickie Davis is still very much in need of prayer. ALS is breaking her body down. I believe God is able to heal her. I am asking that as we wait on the Lord to do this, that you pray not just for God to heal her, but to also pray for Pastor as he walks this road with her. Pray for God to be exactly what was preached today. We all walk in faith. We believe for the miraculous. At the same time we are human and in need of the prayers of the Body of Christ. They are true Christians. They are a loving couple. They have given their all to pastoring Bethel and to the Kingdom of God. As they walk this road, they have not lost their joy or their praise. I watched Sis Davis sitting in her wheel chair and her arm just waving back and forth in total worship. Her face was glowing and she had the most beatiful smile.  I ask you to join me in holding them up with our prayers. 


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