Revival of Relationship

 This past Sunday, Bro. Jonathan Walker preached what I could call a heart sermon. It was from a place of love in a cry for the Bethel church body to become unified. It was a cry for unity so that Revival can break forth. I wanted to share my notes from the sermon. I can't seem to locate my notebook. I apologize to you the reader for this. I appreciate the passion and love the Walker Family has for Bethel. They have a submitted heart to the Davis' as our Shephard. I truly appreciate them a great deal. The sermon was entitled "Revival of Relationship."  I encourage you to listen/view it here.   The past two years have been rough on churches as a whole. The whole idea of masks, many getting sick due to the pandemic combined with very strong opinions regarding this issue has caused a breakage within the body of Christ as a whole all over the world. There is a push however to bring us back together as well. We need one another. We are the body of Christ. We may not see eye to eye on things, but we still need one another. We cannot just believe that there is one God and go on about our lives. We need to believe there is One God and be One as well. I encourage you to lay down your weapons of opinions and pick up the shield of faith and stand side by side and fight the good fight of faith. Divided we will fall. United we will stand and rise tall. You truly are my brother and my sister. I may not see things the way as you and you may not see things the same as me. We can agree together that we want to make it to Heaven. We can agree that the love of Christ is for all. We can agree that there is room at the cross for everyone. Take me by the hand and together we will work until He comes. God is good.

Please note this is the last week Bethel will be having their 6 am zoom prayer calls on Tuesday and Thursday. They have been amazing. I encourage you to download the Bethel App and join in this week.


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