Surviving and Thriving Through Shifting Sands
It was wonderful to be back in church today. Oh, how I love being in the House of the Lord. There is something to be said about strength that takes place when you join together with brothers and sisters in Christ to praise the Lord. As we unite there is a supernatural move that surrounds, strengthens and causes miracles to take place. I am so thankful to be able to go to church. To RJ's great delight Bro Marvin Walker was the speaker for today. RJ received the infilling of the Holy Spirit on one of the Sunday's that Bro. Walker came to preach at Bethel. So, for RJ he's pretty special. Bro. Walker preached an encouraging sermon on "Surviving and Thriving Through Shifting Sands". His main text came from Ezekial 13:10-16 and Ezekial 14:13-14. You can listen/view it here. I will share with you an overview of his sermon. However, I encourage you to listen to it and hear it in depth. The people were being told false prophesies and choosing to not listen to what the real word of the Lord was. Eventually judgment did come just as Ezekial had prophesied. Even during this time, there were messages of hope to come that were intertwined through everything as it took place. In the middle of judgement there is a hope that you can hold on to. We read about three righteous men who came through and were blessed. They are Noah, Daniel and Job. Noah flourished through everything and found grace in God's eyes. We can take from this that even if judgment may be coming, you can find safety in the Ark. Stay in the church! God will always be an ark of safety. For Job, the latter end was greater than what he had before his trial came. He endured and stayed with it. God blessed him an abundance. When we read about Daniel, he was faithful at a young age and it continued all the way to his old age. He stood out as a steady bright light in the middle of a very dark time. Be ye holy for He is holy. No matter how difficult things may be, and you are in survival mode, you can thrive at the same time. The darker the world gets you can shine bright, there is a hope for you to hold on to. To thrive during the shifting sands of life it's important to understand and tap into the supernatural. Have God fill you to overflowing with His spirit. Refuse to compromise your foundational truth. Live a life that has fasting, and prayer intertwined throughout it. Not just once a year, but a lifestyle. Be sensitive to the spirit of God and walk in that realm so you can shine bright for Christ everywhere you go. We have a great God if we take a stand for him, He will take a stand with us. You can do more than survive as you go through these difficult times, you can thrive, the choice is yours. God is good.
On a side note: Bethel is continuing on the 21 days of prayer and fasting. This coming weeks theme is unity. The 6am zoom prayers on Tuesday's and Thursdays have been great. If you have the Bethel App, I encourage you to join in and pray with us.
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