Love Endures All Things

 Love endures all things. As it's what I call Love Weekend, I am attempting to write on what love is or what love does. Today I came across a picture on social media of my pastor playing the keyboard as his wife sings (since I did not take the picture, I did not want to share it without permission). The picture was taken about two years ago. A tear streamed down my face as I looked at this picture. Since then, ALS has taken away her ability to sing like she was doing in the picture. I miss hearing her sing. I thought about the relationship that Pastor and Sis Davis have. Even to this day when he preaches, you will see him glance over at her and smile. Love endures all things.  When a marriage is healthy and vows are kept, the results you will see will be like the Davis’.  I’m thankful there are examples like them to look at. Two imperfect people who love Jesus and love each other. A love that endures in health and in sickness. A love that holds on to hope for a miracle. Please continue to pray for this wonderful couple. I know I share the sentiments of many in that we would love once again to see him play as she sings praises to the King of Kings.  God is good. 


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