Wisdom Unity Identity
It was absolutely wonderful to be in church today. There is something so beautiful when we come together to worship. The presence of the Lord was very powerful today. I truly believe it was the type of atmosphere where miracles were put into motion. Today was also our first Sunday together as a church family at the end of our 21 days of prayer and fasting. At the end of the service, we took communion together as a church body. Pastor Davis preached a dynamic sermon on "Wisdom Unity & Identity" and his main text was from Isiah 6:1-8. I will attempt to share it with you. However, I strongly encourage you to watch/view it here. Pastor made a statement that whatever you are saying you want to do for God, now is the time to do it. No more waiting for the right time, the time is now and do it quickly, it's now or never. No matter where you are in your walk with God, make sure you start strong and finish strong. Refuse to give up no matter how hard it may become at times, stay the course. For those who are just starting their walk, look to those who are older and have stayed the course. Remind yourself that if they can do it, you can too. Over our 21 days of prayer and fasting we had three themes intertwined, Wisdom, Unity and Identity. In the text that was read, we learn that the King is dead. Isiah is faced with the end of what he's always done. What does he do next? We all must realize that even when we might be in our darkest hour, this is when God begins to step in and do something. He will do a new thing that you have never done before. It's in your darkest time that an understanding of who God really is, is revealed. Your dreams and hopes might die, but the King of Kings still lives. When you see that the Lord is high and lifted up in your life even during your darkest time, it's there that your perspective changes. It's there that you realize that you may be at the end of things, but God will give you a new beginning. He makes all things new. Wisdom begins with the understanding that God still reigns. He reigns over your personal problems. God truly does care about the details of your life. If he counts the very hairs on your head, how much more does He care about every detail of your life? He knows and He cares. Trust in the Lord. In order to have unity there are some things that need to be understood. One is that the Bible teaches us to not forsake the assembling of yourselves together. This means, if you can get to church, you need to. Online is great and good if you truly are not able to attend. However, if you are able, you truly need to be present, it's Biblical. It's time to push past the fear and show up. Watching online stops you from being in the atmosphere of the miraculous that takes place when the church body is united in worship. We truly need to be one. How does that happen? We need to realize that we are all citizens of Heaven first. You are not Jamaican Christian. You are a Christian Jamaican. You are not Italian Christians. You are Christian Italians. In heaven, we all will be speaking a heavenly language and it won't be English. It's time we put our different views/cultures aside and come together as one, the body of Christ. We are all brothers and sisters in Christ. Your identity is in Christ. Who am I? I am a child of the I AM. Do not let your insecurities tell you who you are, you are a child of God. When you are seeking who you are in Christ, lift your hands and heart and say, "Here I am Lord, send me". God will guide your steps; your identity is in Him and the plan He has for your life. Seek God and He will give you wisdom. Become united with your brothers and sisters and in this you will find the identity of who God has called you to be. In 2022 walk forward into what God has for you. God is good.
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