From A Worm To A Warrior

 For this Bethel Sunday it was great to see Pastor Davis and Sis Davis in attendance for service. It's not the same when you don't see their smiling faces.  Please continue to keep them in your prayers. Bro Jonathan Walker preached a dynamic sermon on "From A Worm To A Warrior". You can view/listen to it here. His main text was from Isiah 40:25-31 and pretty much all of Isiah 41. I took notes, but to be honest, I can't read them very well. For most of the sermon I had tears streaming down my face. At the beginning of his sermon, Bro. Walker called RJ up to the platform. He had Isaiah 41:13 on the screen. He asked RJ to hold on tight to his hand. He was giving a visual of holding tight to God's hand and not letting go. As he did this he looked at RJ and spoke some encouraging and life affirming words to him. I could not stop the tears, they continued to stream down my face for the rest of the sermon.  What Bro. Walker doesn't know is that at times, RJ would say I am just a worm, sometimes tongue in cheek. RJ has endured a great deal over the past year and a half. His whole world has turned upside down and inside out. I watched him dig in deep to God. I watched him focus on his studies and pull straight A's.  I have watched him hold tight to God's hand. To hear this sermon today and at the end of it all see my son at the front dancing and clapping in joy to the alter music, it just filled me to overflowing. Today, we heard that we are worms. It's better to be a worm than a snake. A worm is harmless, but a snake is manipulative. When you hold on to God no matter what is taking place, God steps in and takes you from a nothing worm to a mighty warrior. God becomes your strength. He takes you from the lowest of places and puts you in the new and powerful. He gives you a new dimension. Sometimes when God does this it's not how you expected, but it's better than what you could have asked for. I believe because RJ has held to God and not walked away and did not become bitter that God is going to bless him. I believe there are good things coming RJ's way. I believe that God has heard RJ's heart desire and is going to bring them to pass. I believe that RJ is going to transform from a worm to a warrior. RJ's life verse is " Isaiah 41:13 "For I the Lord thy God will hold thy right hand, saying unto thee, Fear not; I will help thee". I claim this and speak it over his life. To you the reader I say this, Fear Not. No matter what is taking place in your life, do not lose focus. Do not let go of God's hand. Hold on tight. Fear Not. Do not walk away from church. So you have been hurt. Guess what, I was too. I made a choice to not walk away. I made a choice that as for me and my house we were going to serve the Lord. I made the choice to hold on for dear life to God's unchanging hand. I made the choice to walk in joy. I traded my garments of sorrow for garments of praise. Is this situation over? No. Will it be? Yes. When God says it's time, it will finally come to an end. When it does, you will see RJ and I walking out of this fire as warriors. He will rescue us. How do I know this? He is walking with us as we hold tight to His unchanging hand. God is good. 


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