Revival Thursday

 Tonight, with great joy, RJ and I headed to Bethel for Thursday Evening Service. It has been two years since Bethel has had Bible Study on a Thursday evening. Last week was their first service, but RJ and I were in California. So, for us, tonight was our first. Due to it being Revival Month at Bethel, it was not a Bible Study type of service. Bro. Chris Green preached a dynamic sermon on obeying the Lord. I did not take notes, I just wanted to soak it all in. Next week will begin a more Bible Study type of Thursday, I am excited about it. Bro. Green preached from Luke 10.  He was preaching about reaping the harvest. About how God delivered the people out of Egypt and then they found themselves facing the Red Sea.  They were being pressed from all sides. They were upset because God was not delivering them at that moment. If they would for the moment stop looking at the obstacle in front of them, but instead looked through God's eyes, they would have seen that there was an unknown pathway that God had made for them. When they obeyed the direction from God, the path was made clear. It's in these moments of being pressed from all sides that the anointing comes. It is here that we learn who He really is. It is in the times of pressing that we learn His voice. It's in this place that we come to fully really on God and walk by faith and not by sight. When we do this, we place ourselves in a position where God is glorified.  When we say yes to what His will is and say no to what we think we want, it is then that God will begin to move on our situation. It is then that He opens the pathway to deliver us.  God is good.


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