The High Cost of Complaint
For Bethel's Mother's Day service, we had a special treat. Bro. Loammi Diaz is my all-time favorite preacher. Without fail, he brings an anointed word that is also filled with stories that make you laugh. He has a gift of opening your heart with laughter and then bringing the truth of God's word to convict and encourage your soul. He did all of these things today when he preached on "The High Cost of Complaint". His main text was from Philippians 2:14-16. I did not take notes, I really wanted to enjoy his sermon. You can watch/view it here. I encourage you to watch it. He will make you laugh and the details of his testimony that he shared will be a blessing to you. I will share with you what I do remember, you might want to check it for yourself. I have come to learn you can "hear" something in a sermon and receive it in a way that is meant just for you. Bro. Diaz talked about how there is a time when we lament. It's in the Bible. It's ok to lament, but when you do this make sure to follow it with praise and trust in God. We are going to cry sometimes. We are going to go through trials. However, it's important that we wipe the tears away and trust God to work it all out according to his plan. That being said, it's so important that we do not grumble and complain. Life happens. God will work it out for our good. The world's way is to grumble and complain when things are going wrong. A Christian's response needs to be that we don't understand what is happening. It hurts. Even though it hurts, we know to place our trust in God. We trust the way that He has for us to take. We obey His will even when it does not make sense to us. When we do this, we allow God to work things out in a way that is best for us. His ways are perfect. His plan is perfect. We just need to trust Him that even we don't understand, God does have a plan. At the end of the sermon Bro. Diaz shared some of his testimony. It truly encouraged me. I really do hope he writes a book one day. His story will give hope to so many people who's world was unexpectedly turned upside down. I'm thankful he came to Bethel today. He blessed my heart with laughter and encouraged my spirit. God is good.
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