Choosing Wisely

 On Sunday’s at Heavenview, there are two different services, one at 9:30 am and the other around 12 in the afternoon.  When we visit, we like to attend both, because more often than not, there will be two different speakers. They both  are always good. Today, the 9:30 am speaker was Bro Ray Byfield and the afternoon was Brian Carrecia. Both of them had a sermon that tied in perfectly together. Unfortunately, I did not have my journal with me, so I was not able to take notes. Their sermons can be found online via somewhere on their church page. Google Heavenview in Winston- Salem NC and you should find a link to all their sermons. I usually go to their Facebook Page and watch their live streams on Sunday and Wednesday. Today, both Bro Ray and Bro Brian talked a bit about making the right choice. We are usually faced with making a decision where the choice made could have a life long affect. It’s important that we go the way of wisdom in what we choose to do. What way is God’s best way for you? Not what feels good, but the choice that God by His grand design has for your life.  Both sermons were excellent and I left with confidence knowing that in my life, I am choosing to walk the way God has for me to take. God is good. 


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