The Celebration Of Pentecost

 Today is Pentecost Sunday, it's the birthday of the church. I'm thankful to be able to attend church in freedom. I'm thankful that I attend a church that is spirit filled. Bethel loves to worship the Lord; I don't take it for granted. I was so happy to hear Pastor Davis preach today. My admiration and respect for him just grows when I hear him preach.  Today, he preached on "The Celebration Of Pentecost" and his main text was taken from Exodus 19:16-20.  As always I will share the notes I took as well as what I received from the sermon. However, I strongly suggest you watch/listen to it on your own. You will pick up on something I may have missed. You can find the link here.   The first part of the sermon was in reference to the feast of Shabbat and the eventually leading up to when the blood was placed on the doorpost to spare the lives of the first born sons. After Pharoah had changed his mind many times, he finally agreed to let the people go. Now they were free and at the base of Mount Sanai. It's here that the nation of Israel is born. On the 50th day, day of Pentecost. They had their Passover. God is a God of details. Sometimes He is Serendipitous in how He brings things to past. It's just amazing to sit back and watch how he just places things in our lives that takes us by surprise. Then there are times when He is a God of patterns. He likes order. He does things for a purpose.  Pentecost is not insignificant. It's intentional. It stands for freedom. In the Old Testament it was to signify their freedom. In the New Testament it took on a whole new meaning. Jesus became the Passover Lamb. He took on our sins. Then He rose from the dead 3 days later. He didn't stop there. On the Day Of Pentecost when the disciples were in the Upper Room, God went from being with them to being in them. His spirit came like a rushing mighty wind and filled all of them by evidence of speaking in other tongues. The Hope of Glory filled them. Many today will say they are saved, they have accepted Christ as their personal savior. This is important and absolutely needs to happen. There is however another step that needs to take place. Acts 2:38-  we are to repent, be baptized in the name of Jesus Christ and be filled with His spirit. How do you know are filled with His Spirit. Good works alone or a change in lifestyle is not enough. It's good. It's great and needs to happen. You must be filled with His Spirit just as they were on the Day of Pentecost. They spoke in other tongues as the Spirit of God gave evidence. The hope of Glory that filled them can also fill you as well.  Pastor then began to speak directly to Bethel on a personal level. He spoke revival into our hearts. He challenged us to thank God today for the answers we have been needing. To keep our head up and walk in faith. God is good.


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