The Miracle Is In The Going
The past two Sundays Bethel has been blessed with the ministry of Evangelist Ethan Hagan. Bro. Hagan walks in a supernatural dimension that reminds me very much of Lee Stoneking. He preaches and speaks with authority. I think every church should have him speak. I don't have his exact contact information, but he does have a Linkdedin Profile I am also sure if you contact the UPCI headquarters at (631) 951-7133, they will also be able to connect you with him. The Hagan family is a beautiful family. You won't regret having them minister in your church. I apologize for not posting the sermon he preached from last week, it was not posted on the Bethel App and I was not able to go back and listen to it to take notes. Today, I remembered my journal and will do my best to share with you what I received from the sermon. That being said, I strongly encourage you to listen/view it here. Before Bro. Hagan preached, the praise and worship team did an amazing job. Every time Shalah Smith sings, something just breaks in the atmosphere. I love her dearly. She's a phenomenal young woman. I believe you can see it as well on the link. Bro. Hagan preached on "The Miracle Is In The Going". His main text was taken from John 9:1-7. He mentioned the word going in his title was really in reference to obedience. If Jesus sends you that means he has a miracle for you. Submitting to the process is what leads you to your miracle. When the four leapers walked in obedience to God's command to report to the priest to be declared healed, they still had not been made whole yet. They chose to obey and as they walked, their miracle began to take place. When you decide to make a move believing God, when you make this move you receive the miracle God has for you. He is just looking for a willing vessel. As they made their way to their destination, God made a way for them. When you decide to do what God tells you to do, He will in turn exceed your expectations. When you submit to the process, Jesus will heal, cleanse, release and make you whole. We read in John about the blind man who called out to Jesus. Because he called out, Jesus stopped and healed him. When we send up a praise to God, you catch His attention. This is why attending church is so important. You need to be at the right place at the right time. When the praise and worship go up, Jesus responds, and miracles take place. If you will, He will. He then spoke some words that made me take notice. Early this morning when I was in prayer, God began to speak to me. He said to write it down, so I did. Bro. Hagan began to speak word for word, what the Lord had spoken to me. What He's been speaking to me through various people. Even what the "lady" prophesied over me when my car was getting fixed. I hear Lord and I obey. I am walking in the direction you have for me to walk. Bro. Hagan than began to talk about the blind man in the text he read. Back in that time, there was this assumption that if you had a situation like this it was due to some sin that was due to your parents or grandparents. There are ramifications for sin. That being said life happens. The rain falls on the just and the unjust. What matters is how you respond to the situation. Sometimes, these situations are meant to give strength to others as they watch you walk through it. Other times, it's so God can be glorified as deliverance comes. Sometimes, it's just life. When these things happen, remember that God is in control. When we turn to Him, He will give us hope. He will be our joy and strength. We will make it. His glory will be displayed through your life. In the text we read that Jesus put the clay in the man's eye and told him to wash it. God was not being cruel here. It was a matter of would this man be willing to do something that didn't make sense. Many times, God will call you to do something that at the time makes zero sense. When we obey and trust, we put ourselves into a miraculous situation. The moment you take the first step in the direction of what God has spoken for you to do, the miracle starts to begin. Submit, obey the process to go. When you do this, you will have the miraculous in your life. What are you waiting for? God is good.
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