The Devil's Day Off
This past Sunday, Bro. Tom Trimble preached a phenomenal sermon entitled, "The Devil's Day Off". I did take notes, but I can't find my notebook. I will do my best to give you a brief summary from my memory. I highly recommend that you watch/listen to the sermon. It was a powerful word. You can find it here. The main text read was 2 Samuel 18:6-8. In this text we read that there was a battle going on. What stands out is that more people died by the woods than they did by the sword. Even Absalom, his initial cause of death was not due to being in battle, it was due to his hair getting caught in a tree. More men died that day because of the woods. Many times, it's the cares of life that catch us and become our downfall. It's not so much what we are actually facing as it is all the other pitfalls that can come our way. It's so important to make sure that we don't allow the cares of this life to pull us down. The devil can be coming after you and you take a stand and fight. But what about the days when it's just life. Don't let the issues of life catch you and then you fall. You can lose out and miss your victory if you allow yourself to get distracted or give up. Don't let the woods in your life, rob you of making it through the battle. Keep moving forward. Don't give up or give in. I strongly suggest you watch his sermon for yourself. There are many good things I know I have missed in my blog. God is good.
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