In Loving Memory of Sis Vickie Davis
Vickie Davis was born January 6th, 1954. She passed away from this life on December 16th, 2022. She left behind a beautiful legacy. She was First Lady of Bethel United Pentecostal Church in Old Westbury, NY. Wife of her beloved Doug Davis. Devoted sister to her siblings by birth or marriage. Loved deeply her nieces and nephews. She was a faithful friend to many. A classy lady in everything she did, even when she was painting the walls, changing a lightbulb or getting on her knees to clean out a cobweb in the corner. She loved the church. She loved the saints. She loved her husband. She loved her family. We all loved her in return. To her a church building project meant progress. She loved souls and a bigger building meant room for more to come to the love of Christ. She had a wonderful sense of humor. Her smile lit up the room and warmed your heart. Her hugs made you feel like everything was going to be just fine. She loved to worship her Savior. Without fail, no matter what...