The Bait
Over the past few week, Bro Tom Vayna has been doing an excellent job on teaching a Bible Study Lesson based off of the book, The Bait Of Satan. Tonight, at the end of the lesson, there was a handout made available that gave a review of the lesson. Since there is a lot on the review, I want to share a portion of it with you. The Bait being mentioned is the root of bitterness. Forgiveness is the key to make sure bitterness does not take root in your heart.
God's forgiveness of sinners requires repentance in order for them to be forgiven. Only God can take away sin. We are to forgive whether or not the other person apologizes or repents. Man cannot take away the debt of sin, but we can forgive others for the hurt they have caused.
1. We are to forgive those who have offended us even if they never apologize or acknowledge wrongdoing.
2. When we forgive others, they are still accountable to God and authorities. We cannot release them from the consequences of their actions.
3. When we forgive someone, do your part to reconcile knowing that the other party must do their part. Remember that building trust takes time. If they are still doing actions that are harmful, then they are not doing what is necessary for a successful reconciliation and it may never happen.
4. When we forgive someone, forgetting may not be possible, but with God's help and time, the hurt will fade.
Vengeance is a desire to see another person suffer for the pain they have caused.
Justice is the payment God or society might demand from someone because of a wrong they have committed against us, or against society as a whole.
Reconciliation usually involves these three things:
1. Repentance-admitting responsibility for the wrong that has been done to another person.
2. Restitution- offering some type of amends to the person wronged.
3. Rehabilitation- demonstrating a change behavior over a period of time toward the person.
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