He is God And He Is Still Good


Today's service was just absolutely wonderful. We were given the gift of hearing our pastor preach. For the past several Thursday's Pastor Davis has been teaching some excellent Bible Study lessons. He is doing an entire series and once they have finished, I believe the plan is to have them released via the App. Today's sermon on, "He is God & He Is Still Good" by Bro. Davis can be viewed here.  I did not take notes. I wanted to soak up every word he was saying. I strongly encourage you to watch/listen to it, it's worth every minute. Bro. Davis preached from his heart. When you know the road he has walked, you understand that he believes every word he spoke today. I plan to watch the sermon this week and I know I will hear things I missed today. I am so thankful for our pastor. I am thankful that God has kept him. I am thankful that in all he has walked through, he stood in front of us today and preached that God is still good. His faith and trust in the Lord inspires me. God is still good.


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