Blue Moon

 When I learned last night that the full moon was a rare one and it will be 14 years until the next one like it, I decided to find a place to watch it “rise”.  After researching, RJ and I found an amazing place that we had never been to before on the Island.  What a beautiful sight it was. We were near the water and it was just breathtakingly beautiful. It was as if the moon was rising up out from the ocean. It was a blood orange red color and it was massive. I have never seen the moon look as large as it did last night. As it rose higher it was simply magnificent. I am in awe at this beautiful world that God has created.  Moments like last night remind me of the greatness of God. That He holds my world in His hands.  My problems may seem so big to me, but to my Heavenly Father, it’s not too big.  I’m glad RJ was able to experience something so amazing. I’m thankful, we made some happy memories as we watched it rise.  He’s going into 11th grade and already thinking about his future.  Time passes by quickly. God is good.


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