You Are So Valuable
For Bethel's Sunday Service we had one of my favorite preachers. It doesn't really matter which Linder brother is preaching, I know that the sermon will not only be anointed, but there will be some good laughs thrown in, because they truly are very funny guys. Today, we had the privilege of hearing Bro. Harold Linder preach. On a personal note, I really appreciated his sermon. His sermon was on, " You Are So Valuable". The main text was taken from Luke 12:6-7. I strongly recommend you watch/listen to it on your own. You can do so here. I did take notes and will share with you what stood out to me the most. As always, you may receive something different, therefore I suggest you also take the time to watch the sermon on your own. It was very encouraging. Bro. Linder, first started off by giving honor to Bishop Davis and thanking him for coming to NY and starting a church. We are the church body, but it's so important to have a sanctuary to come and find an alter where Jesus can meet you at. In Luke we read about the sparrow. We know that in the Bible times sparrows were sold for food. They were cheap and for those who could not afford more expensive meat. We read that God knows when every sparrow falls. He knows every sparrow that dies. He knows every hair that is on your head. This same God that cares enough about a sparrow, cares about you. You are more valuable to God than a sparrow. How great is His love for you.! You are not forgotten by God, for you are more valuable than many sparrows. Even when everything is going wrong, you are still valuable to God. There are times when we truly experience grief. There are times when things truly are so bad that we just want to give up. There are times when there seems to be no relief and we wonder if God is even there. Rest assured He is there. He cares. He sees and He knows. His love for you is great. He is watching over you. Do not fear for you are more valuable than sparrows. He is reaching out to you in your time of brokenness. This is why coming to an alter is so important. There are times when we just are overwhelmed. It's at an alter that we can reach out to God. It's there that the sweet presence of God strengthens you. It's in the sanctuary you can find rest among your fellow brother and sisters in Christ. It's at the alter you will find the strength to keep going and to not give up. Even when life and circumstances have crushed you, you have not lost your value! Bro. Linder then read Psalm 84: 1-4. The third verse resonated with me in a way that it never has before. Yea, the sparrow hath found an house, and the swallow a nest for herself, where she may lay her young, even thine altars, O LORD of hosts, my King, and my God.
My notes stop here. Families came together at the alter and prayed together. We all go through things in life that should never have happened. When this happens, we have a choice. We can let it consume us or we can turn our eyes heavenward. It's not always easy to do this. Life will tell you that you are not worth much. People are so good at finding that one flaw in you and breaking your spirit. Circumstances can become so overwhelming that we feel like we are going to break. I encourage you to find a church. Find a place where you can find rest in His presence. When you look at your reflection in God's mirror and see yourself through His eyes of love for you, you change the way you look at these situations. Have they changed? No. It's you who changes. It's you who realizes that you do have value. There is more good to you than your imperfections. If God knows when a sparrow falls, He does know what you are going through. He does care. Be who God says you are and do not give up. Keep going, one step at a time. I appreciate the Linder's, without fail, these families have spoken hope into my life. Many times, it was just a statement or phrase they made in a comment to me, but it fed my soul and wounded heart. I am thankful that there was a church for them to attend in NY. I am thankful for their ministry. I am thankful to know that I am valuable in the eyes of God. God is good.
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