His Forever Smile
Take a walk with me. When Rev Paul Dennis smiled at you, a twinkle would fill his eyes. He loved to tease and was quick to make you laugh. His wisdom came from the heart and he shared it with love. Many times our paths crossed when I was on my Missions Journey. My heart is filled with funny stories and nuggets of wisdom. He always seemed to be around when I was struggling with something and he would have the right answer for me. Rev. Dennis was the Global Missions Director for Asia for many years. He had a great love and compassion for others. I will never forget the day my vacation ended in Japan and to my surprise he was assigned to sit in the seat next to me on the same flight back to Taiwan. We talked about a lot of things on that flight and he spoke plainly and clearly to me. It changed my life course. He was like that. Always able to see what was hidden and able to speak truth to you with Godly love. Now, Rev. Dennis is sitting with Jesus in a Heavenly Place. I would l...