Are You Ready For A Miracle?
Today for our Sunday service at Bethel, we had a guest speaker. I enjoy listening to a lot of preaching. If you ask me who my top five are, you will find the Linder Brothers in my top five. Thus, it was to my great delight when I saw Bro. Robert Linder walk onto the platform. He always gives an encouraging word and like his brother, Pastor Harold Linder, he is guaranteed to make you laugh. That being said, today's sermon was above and beyond the norm. I took notes and I will try my best to share with you a summary of his sermon. I strongly encourage you to watch/listen to it yourself. The entire service, from the songs, to pastor Davis's exhortation, which was amazing as well, to the sermon, was just outstanding. I am pretty sure that was a grammatically incorrect sentence, but I will leave it as it is. You can find the sermon here. Half of me wishes I had not taken notes, because I just wanted to soak up the entire sermon as it was being preached, but I did take notes of mo...