She Walked With Grace-Tribute to Sis. Joy Haney
She was born in April and went on to her Heavenly reward on March 16th, 2023. How do you truly honor a lady like Sis Joy Haney? Devoted daughter, sister, mother, grandmother, great grandmother and wife could be titles attributed to her, for they are all true. Much beloved across the world. Profound and wise speaker who authored many books. Singer and worshiper. Oh how, she made you feel special and loved. Her words of encouragement have shaped many lives and set destinies in motion. She was a pastor's wife and for a while superintendent's wife to the United Pentecostal Church International. These titles she wore well and poured herself into as many as she could. On a personal level she was my very first pastor's wife. The sounds I grew up with as a baby were in the prayer meetings she would have with the ladies. I was born into a faith saturated atmosphere. She loved on me. She prayed over me. Even when we no longer lived in the same state, when she saw me, she would squee...